Burying All The Tragedy

Posted on Thursday, March 20, 2008 by Jaxon S

There has been a lot of entry about air crashes in this blog, which still remains on the front page, which I want to bury.

I no longer want it visible on the front page but would not delete it either. Let it remain there to chronicle the development of this blog. One thing I would do is to quickly post a series of blog entries to make it fall off the main page.

I want to move on and if I want to ever hope of overcoming my fear of flying, it's not good to think or write or blog about each and every air crash as they happens. There are a thousand of other things about flying, other than crashing.

A Year Ago As The Crow Flies

Posted on by Jaxon S

I couldn't believe it's already over a year since I last made a promise to revamp this blog and introduce a new concept -- a concept which has been slow in coming; but it's here finally.

So, what would be the new concept of this blog? Well, let's just say it would be about aviation in general. I shall be talking about the aviation industry, with focus on safety and security as well as new technology, and at the same time still blog about my fear of flying.

I'm still afraid of flying no matter how often I fly. In September last year, I took a 7-hour flight from Kuala Lumpur to Sydney. The flight was smooth except for the occasional slight turbulence; and my goodness, if not for my strong heart, I would've suffered a heart seizure during the flight.

How I hated my fear, and wished that I was as brave as others.

Back to the concept of this blog, yes, I had thought long about turning this blog into a full-fledged aviation blog and I think by now, I had a clearer picture of what should I do here.

Aviation would the a niche for this blog, which is one of several blogs authored by me. I also run a make money blog, a macro photography blog, an official blog, a blog about my struggle in learning English, another about Borneo and a personal blog.

Now that's a lot blog writing, you might say. I can tell you, it is. In a way, that has been part of the reasons why I haven't been able to update this blog since the past one year or so; I was just too busy blogging away in several of my hosted blogs.