Soon... A New Concept For This Blog

Posted on Sunday, February 04, 2007 by Jaxon S

I started this blog with the title "I Believe I'm Afraid To Fly", then after receiving feedback from some of the commentators here, I changed it to "Aviophobic Anonymous".

At the outset, I intend to use this blog to chronicle my fear of flying, hence the titles. I was hoping that by writing about my flying "demon", I could come to term with it, so to speak. After months of blogging about it, I realised there's nothing much I could do to overcome the problem.
So I see no point in continuing to blog about my fear of flying. I think I've got to learn to accept the reality that I would never be able to become completely free of my fear.

So, after a five-month hiatus, I've decided to reactivate this blog and at the same time take it towards a new direction perhaps; or to its cruising altitude, if you will.

So, what would the new concept be? If you read this, you are welcome to suggest about the topics I should be blogging here. In the meantime, though, I intend to make this blog as a place to write about the aviation industry in general. I may still want to write about my fear of flying but that would not be the main subject of this blog anymore.

Now I just need to think about a new title for this blog to better reflect its new direction.


Anonymous says:

I wish I had something to say that could make the fear go away , but, in my experiences of flying (3) times for about an hour each time, I already had the fear but the last time there was a storm complete with turbulence that felt like we were driving on a bumpy road. The lights flickered and the passengers all gasped so i was either going to laugh or cry so i chose to laugh, hysterrically without making a sound as the tears rolled down my face getting dirty looks from some of the passengers and getting kicked from my friend sitting next to me. I could only see gray out the windows and I know that is all the pilot could see as well and knowing how fast we were going and how high up we were the combination of those three facts made me know that if I ever got back to the ground safely that I would kiss it and stay on it from now on.