Afraid To Fly? Carry A Parachute!

Posted on Wednesday, September 07, 2005 by Jaxon S

Those who are aviophobic or have fear of flying must carry a parachut everywhere and insist that they be seated next to the emergency exit!

10 Tops For The Fearful Flier: Expert advice on how to keep calm
By James Wysong, Travel columnist

How many times have you boarded a flight and noticed one or two passengers who are acting a bit peculiar? You might pass it off as stressful flight conditions or dissatisfaction with the airline, but they could be suffering from fear of flying. It becomes more evident as takeoff approaches. The wide-eyes, clenched fists, profuse sweating, and rocking motions are among its symptoms. The rest of the article here!
I guess I have not come to that stage of flight fright as yet -- I don't sweat profusely, my eyes don't go wide. In my case, the fear is perhaps still manageable.

I had a friend who has a company doing event managements back in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. A hard working person, he dreamt of making it big one day. Jugding from his determination to succeed, I had no doubt he will able to achieve his dream, if only he can overcome one big hurdle, one that can be summarised in my conversation with him as follows:

Him: I had thought of going to KL and see some people there. Here in Sabah, the opportunity for this kind of business is very limited.
Me: True, things do happen in KL. Look at those big guys there...
Him: My problem is I fear flying. Two and a half hours of flying, man, I could die up there!

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