Aviophobia, Aviotophobia, Aerophobia

Posted on Sunday, September 04, 2005 by Jaxon S

I googled the blogosphere to see if there are blogs that referenced Aviophobia or Aviotophobia or Aerophobia. Apparently there aren't many aviophobic bloggers out there. Here's how it fares on Technorati search.

4 Responses to "Aviophobia, Aviotophobia, Aerophobia":

letti says:

all these planes crashing is really getting to me.

Jaxon S says:

me too..

Randi says:

Hey there - You found my blog, so now I came to check out yours. If you ever want advice on how to try to get over your fear, let me know and send me a comment (I'll e-mail you back). I'm getting better each time I travel and I agree with you saying about not reading about plane crashes.

Fortunately I had an opportunity to talk to pilots (every time I get on a plane I try to say hi) and learned so much about what they do.

Jaxon S says:

hi there, alyssa...thank you for the visit. i haven't had the opportunity to talk to pilots and it would be good to be able to know how they handle/manage a flight.