Aviophobic Anonymous

Posted on Sunday, November 06, 2005 by Jaxon S

After two month of blogging about Aviophobia or the fear of flying and taking into consideration some of the comments here, I've decided today to "revamp" this blog, first by having its name changed from "I Believe I Am Afraid To Fly" to "Aviophobic Anonymous".

I will also edit some of the entries here to reflect a more positive attitude towards the safety of air transportation. The grammatical mistakes will still be there after the editing, I reckon, but that can't really be helped. I find English grammer as difficult to comprehend as the fear of flying itself.

Next possible entry: When a child is afraid to fly, what can the accompanying parents (who are also aviophobic) do to help calm the situation? Views and comments are welcomed.


Randi says:

Hey there - Glad to see you're revamping the site and taking a healthier attitude towards flying! I'm flying on this upcoming Wednesday so wish me luck. Of course - it's the busiest travel day of the year in the US so I'm thinking "more planes in the air, more chances for crashes". See - I'm not REALLY over my fear!!!