The Business Of Being Busy

Posted on Saturday, November 19, 2005 by Jaxon S

Ah, It's been a busy week. I hardly had the time to update this blog and when I did, I was already too tired and too drained out of creative energy to do anything with the the string of thoughts that come to mind. So I shall just let the thoughts float around for a while.

There are some pending things to do in relation with this blog: write emails to friends to discuss about aviophobia, blog about the test flights of Airbus A380 superjumbo to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur and the problem with Malaysia Airlines which revenue seemed to be nosediving at an alarming speed.

Can somebody help throttle the company up, please? Then there is also the coming onboard of Sarawakian executive Idris Jala to be the Managing Director of Malaysia Airlines in December. May he be the one who could put Malaysia Airlines back into the black.

There are so many things to blog. Alas, here I am...letting things to be overtaken by events.

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